NEW 2018 Mentor Program!

favicon-96x96We invite you to join our Mentor Program.

Starting this year, we are excited to match mentors with mentees to spread as much beekeeping experience and knowledge as possible.

We have received an overwhelming amount of interest in this program and as of March 26, 2018 we are unlikely to be able to match new requests.  However, we will try!

To sign up, click here to add your name and choose how you’d like to participate!

As a mentee, you will have the opportunity to team up with a more experienced beekeeper who can share his/her knowledge and experiences in beekeeping.

As a mentor, you will be able to share what you’ve experienced while also being asked questions which will be sure to ignite additional perspective and research in your practices.

Here are the Hudson Valley Natural Beekeeper Mentor Guidelines for your review.  HVNB Mentor Mentee Guidelines

Sign up now!